White Bloom Bouquet


Make a statement with our White Bloom Candle Bouquet—an elegant arrangement of pristine floral-scented candles presented in a luxurious leather basket. This stunning set is the perfect gift for any occasion, bringing a touch of sophistication and beauty to every space.

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Weight 500 g
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 10 cm

Fresh Cut Rose



Candle Care Tips
  • We take pride in crafting beautifully realistic candle bouquets that elevate the art of gift-giving. Our floral candle bouquet looks stunningly lifelike, smells incredibly fresh, and never wilts—creating lasting memories, however, if you wish to light it up, remove the desired candle from the basket and burn it on a heat-proof surface.
  • Keep your candle bouquet fresh by placing it in a dry spot, away from direct sunlight.
  • Never leave a lit candle unattended, this is very important!